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Senior Businessman
Permanent Resident Application
We understand that PR application can be very stressful due to its tedious process. Here at CareerStar, we seek to reduce the hassle and increase the success rate of your application.

During the first consultation, your designated consultant will conduct a comprehensive profile assessment and documentation review to advise you on your best visa options to stay in Singapore. 
Remote Working
Work Pass for Skilled Individuals
Conversation in office
At CareerStar, our pass advisory consultants are CEI-certified and have a proven track record in obtaining work pass approval in various industries. These passes including Work Permit, Employment Pass, S Pass, and more.
Image by Microsoft 365
Work Pass for Top Talents
Candidates with an exceptional background and outstanding achievement in any sector such as business, arts and culture, sports, as well as academia, and research, can qualify for personalized passes that provide more flexibility in employment options.

Our consultants are able to assist in the end-to-end application process including drafting of a business plan, Curriculum Vitae (CV), letter of endorsements, and more.
Travel Visa Application
Many foreigners may be keen to obtain visas and familiarise themselves with the environment in Singapore before applying for a work pass. Our immigration consultants are also able to guide you on the entry requirements in view of the COVID-19 travel regulations.
Excited Traveler
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